Wednesday, August 19, 2009

left, but not on a jet plane...and is still alive. definitely.

I promise that I haven't died. It's been ages since I updated though... mostly I've just been really, really busy, and when I have had free time I just want to veg.
Things are going good though, 'B' in Spanish 1 AND 2, which is pretty sweet considering I failed a test in spanish 2. ugh. In all seriousness, I don't think I've ever studied as hard for a class as I did for this damn spanish class...I kind of wanted an A, but whatevs. No complaints.
Anyway, so I've already left for school. Doesn't start till Monday but I wanted to go see a few friends. Spent two days in Kansas City and two in STL. Oh, and I bought the worlds cutest plant at the botanical garden gift shop in STL. It's adorable. I need to name it...suggestions? hahah
SO, now I'm at the Aaron's (the bf) until we head back to school on sunday. Woot. It is really, really, reaaaally nice to not have to be anwhere for a few days.
And that's pretty much it! Weeks worth of updates in less than ten minutes. I pretty much rock, I know.
haha. More to come later, in a slightly calmer fashion.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

No Kanye, thank YOU.

Today, I learned some interesting information about Kanye West. He says:

"Sometimes people write novels and they just be so wordy and so self-absorbed ... I am not a fan of books. I would never want a book's autograph.
"I am a proud non-reader of books. I like to get information from doing stuff like actually talking to people and living real life,"

Good deal, man, good deal. Books are so stuck up...won't even take the time to sign an autograph. Of course, neither do CD's and he doesn't seem to have a problem not getting an autograph from one of them.
In his defense though, many, MANY great philosopher's have agreed with him that literacy is not at all important. Unfortunately, we don't know who they are, or what they had to say, because they couldn't write their ideas down...
No no, but seriously. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. And obviously, Kanye feels very strongly about this particular opinion. So strongly, in fact, that he decided to show it by, yes, writing a book. It's titled "Kanye West Presents: Thank You And You're Welcome" and it is 52 pages, filled with all the wisdom that Kanye has gained over the years, wisdom that he dubs "Kanye-isms". Insightful.
But he couldn't have done all 52 pages alone...oh no, he had a coauthor, which makes sense. One sentence a page, 52 pages... that's a lot of work to do all on your own.
Apparently, this book has been out for ages, and I wish, truly and sincerly, that I had heard of it earlier. I feel so left out of the pop culture loop.
It's okay though, because for all of us who missed the first one, there's going to be another book, following in the radical success of the first. It will be titled "Glow in the Dark"....maybe another informative tome about his days in the biz', posing as a lightbulb? Who knows? And really, who the hell cares?

! muy ocupado hombre!

In class today, as I was being confronted with my total lack of understanding of Spanish, I drew this picture of my professor, as an italian/spanish superhero. I have named him "Muy ocupado hombre" which, I think,means "very busy man!". I was quite pleased with myself.

The thing on his head is the weird beret thingy he wears, that's a cup of tea in his hand, and obviously, a cape. oh and the thing on his face is sunglasses. fyi.

Monday, June 29, 2009

this is the only logical conclusion....

My Spanish teacher routinely flits in and out of the classroom. For instance, he'll come in at 9:30 and tell us to study, or work on whatever it is we're supposed to be working, on for half and hour, and hour, whatever, and then he runs off, leaving us alone. It's cool, because we have a bunch of time to work on stuff, but it's just generally kind of strange, and none of us have any idea what he does during that time. So, using some of my awesome deductive logic skills, I've decided he's a caped crusader. Fighting crime, all the time, etc. It kind of shatters ones notions about superheroes though, because he's definitely, definitely not attractive. Or muscular. He does get up every morning at 5am to go running though. Coincidence? I think not.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

I really need to focus on homework. bah.

random note/point of some interest:
I am enough of a nerd that I'm considering asking for the entire Sandman Graphic Novel Series by Neil Gaiman for my 21st birthday instead of, oh say, MONEY FOR THE BAR.
Maybe, I should combine these two things, like...meeting Neil Gaiman at a bar? hm.

optimus prime rocks my socks.

Well, my experiment in procrastination has been postponed. hahah. pun. right. But no seriously, it has. I washed exactly as many clothes as I HAD to wash in order to have clean clothes today, tomorrow and maybe Monday, if I'm creative about it... I then didn't do any homework, and went to a movie. To be fair, the movie was scheduled, (omg. my love of the Transformers movies is ridiculous. and silly. but...AAAH! Love!). Later, I DID work in a trip to hobby lobby that I more or less needed to make. Eventually. I also managed to fit in two (yes, two) trips to starbucks, another two episodes of The Simpsons (it's always on, I swear) and this blog entry. Damn you procrastination! My dear friend Katrina pointed out to me today that it [procrastination] is a very paralizing feeling, and that's entirely true. I'm not sure why this is, but it seems like as soon as you start putting things off it all just turns into an overwhelming sense of total panic. "I have so much to do! If I start it, I might be overwhelmed...therefore, I won't start anything! aha! thwarted you this time you foul procrastinatey beast!" People are, or at least, I am, extrememly stupid.
I think the important part of all of this is that...I AM A GEEK AND I LOVE TRANSFORMERS. And everyone can just leave me alone about it! :D